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New marketplace NFT revolution for artists Data Vault Holdings, in partnership with Music Provider Stemit will create new opportunities of monetization for independent Artists and Labels.

Datavault® has prioritized cybersecurity first within our patented platform and protecting data content objects and media files for creators is paramount in our execution," points out Datavault® co-founder and CEO Nathaniel Bradley.

"Stemit has mastered the ability to isolate, pair and parse musical content in a way that fosters creativity and maximizes the financial yield derived from music assets. We are excited about the impact that our combined technologies will have in this marketplace."

Fans can buy NFT of their favourite artist on the marketplace and artists can maximize their revenue streams thank to fractional music: Stemit itemizes music compositions, pulling apart a song's layered, multi-instrumental structure to create multiple assets from a single song. Stemit's NFT Exchange as powered by Datavault® will tokenize musical data to create digital assets to buy, sell, and trade.

Stemit is the leader in AI-based stem production "StemitNow", allowing for the separation of eight stems per song.

Stemit is a trusted provider of music stems to major and independent labels globally.


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