Ubisoft & Take-Two invest in NFT Gaming funding Horizon Blockchain Games

Two of the world's largest video game makers, Ubisoft & Take-Two, are increasingly interested in Web3 and blockchain gaming.
The two companies are among those that participated in the funding round for Horizon Blockchain Game and its Skyweaver, NFT trading card game.
In addition to the two gaming giants, participants in the funding round, led by Brevan Howard Digital and Morgan Creek Digital, included Polygon, venture capital firm Bitkraft, metaverse investor Everyrealm, payments company Xsolla, and Initialized Capital.
Horizon also attracted some big name individual investors, including Shopify CEO Tobias Lütke, Lolli co-founder and CEO Alex Adelman, and a pair of co-creators of major NFT games: The Sandbox co-founder and COO Sebastien Borget and Axie Infinity co-founder and COO of Sky Mavis Aleksander Larsen.

Skyweaver is a digital trading card game similar to Blizzard's famous Hearthstone, but with cards that represented as Ethereum NFT assets that players will be able to sell and trade.
in 2018 horizon released its title in alpha closed testing, and in february 2022 it launched the beta phase open to all.
Are NFT and blockchain the future of gaming?
#Ubisoft #TakeTwo #gaming #BlockchainGaming #HorizonBlockchianGame #Skyweaver #NFTTradingCardGame #BrevanHowardDigital #MorganCreekDigital #Polygon #Bitkraft #Everyrealm #Xsolla #InitializedCapital #Shopify #TobiasLutke #Lolli #AlexAdelman #NFTgame #Sandbox #SebastienBorget #AxieInfinity #SkyMavis #AleksanderLarsen